Tuesday 29 November 2016

Survey results on Science

More than 100 students answered these questionnaires.


Q 1. In tests, I worry that I won’t understand the wording of the questions.
Q 2. I get nervous when the tasks are unfamiliar to me
Q 3. I worry that my Science teacher might ask me something that I won’t understand.
Q 4. I am usually at ease during tests.
Q 5. I start to panic when I have to answer without preparation.
Q 6. Thoughts of doing poorly interfere with my concentration in tests.
Q 7. Numerical exercises / calculations make me nervous.
Q 8. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers.
Q 9. During important tests I am so tense that it upsets my stomach.
Q 10. I worry about my grade.
Q 11. The more I study for a test / exam, the more confused I get.
Q 12.I always feel that the other students have a better understanding of the subject than I do.
Q 13. During tests I find myself worrying about the consequences of failing.
Q 14. Science / Mathematics classes move so quickly I worry about getting left behind.
Q 15 I get nervous when I don't understand what the teacher is saying.
Q 16. Experiments makes me anxious.
Q 17. Individual projects make me anxious.
Q 18. Group projects make me anxious.
Q 19. I worry that I do not have sufficient time during tests.
Q 20. If I miss the presentation of experiments, I worry when questions arise related to these.
Q 21. Science chapters often move quickly and one chapter follows on from the other. I get anxious when I haven’t understood everything that I won’t understand the next chapter.
Q 22. My teachers’ approach makes me nervous.


Q 1. Als exàmens, em preocupa no entendre la formulació de les preguntes.
Q 2. Em poso nerviós quan les tasques em són desconegudes.
Q 3. Em preocupa que el meu professor de ciències em pregunti sobre alguna cosa que no entenc.
Q 4.Estic sovint tranquil durant els exàmens
Q 5. Començo a entrar en pànic quan he de respondre sense preparació.
Q 6. Pensar que m’equivocaré interfereix amb la meva concentració als exàmens.
Q 7. Els exercicis de càlcul em posen nerviós
Q 8. Em fa vergonya ser voluntari a respondre a la classe de ciències 
Q 9 .Durant examens importants  estic tan tens/a que em fa mal l’estòmac.
Q 10. Em preocupo sobre la meva nota.
Q 11. Com més estudio per a un examen, més confús em poso.
Q 12. Sempre sento que els altres estudiants entenen la matèria millor que jo.
Q 13. Durant els exàmens em trobo preocupat sobre les conseqüències de suspendre.
Q 14. Les classes de ciències / matemàtiques van tan ràpides que em preocupa quedar-me endarrere.
Q 15. Em poso nerviós quan no entenc que diu el professor/a.
Q 16. Els experiments em posen ansiós
Q 17. Els treballs individuals em posen ansiós
Q 18. Els treballs en grup em posen ansiós
Q 19. Em preocupa no tenir temps suficient durant els exàmens
Q 20. Si em perdo la presentació dels experiments, em preocupa quan sorgeixen preguntes relacionades amb aquests.
Q 21. Les lliçons de ciència sovint massa ràpides i una lliçó és conseqüència d’una altra. Em poso ansiós quan no he entés la primera lliçó i, per conseqüència, la següent.
Q 22. La forma en que el meu professor veu les coses em posa nerviós







Survey results of English as a Foreign Language

The teacher of French, Josep, has done the graphics for me. Thank you!

These are the questions:

Q 1. In tests, I worry that I won’t understand the wording of the questions.
Q 2. I get nervous when the tasks are unfamiliar to me
Q 3. I worry that my English teacher might ask me something that I won’t understand.
Q 4.  I am usually at ease during tests in my language class.
Q 5. I get anxious when the test has a listening component.
Q 6. I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in language class.
Q 7. I am afraid I may mispronounce a word in front of the class.
Q 8. Thoughts of doing poorly interfere with my concentration in tests.
Q 9. Essays make me nervous.
Q 10. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my language class.
Q 11. During important tests I am so tense that it upsets my stomach.
Q 12. I worry about my grade.
Q 13. When we have an oral dialogue, I worry that I might not be able to understand what the other person is saying.
Q 14. The more I study for a language test, the more confused I get.
Q 15. I always feel that the other students speak the foreign language better than I do.
Q 16. During tests I find myself worrying about the consequences of failing.
Q 17. Language class moves so quickly I worry about getting left behind.
Q 18. I get nervous when I don't understand every word the language teacher says.




Thursday 24 November 2016

The students have finished their research :)

The students have just finished their work. More than 100 students in the school have answered the questionnaires and 60 students have been interviewed.

Here's the results:


Interview results  on Science classes (Biology, Mathematics, Technology, Physics)
Resultats Entrevistes sobre les classes de ciències (biologia, matemàtiques, tecnologia, física)
Graphic of the Science interviews

Interview results on English classes
Resultats Entrevistes sobre les classes d'anglès


Survey results on English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Survey results on Science

Friday 18 November 2016

The work's almost done :)

The Erasmus team has been working hard to have their task done on time. I'm very proud of them :)

Friday 11 November 2016

The Lithuania team: Paula, Ingry and Laura


We are Laura, Ingry and Paula, the students from Spain who are going to Lithuania. We are 16 years old. We are looking forward to this journey!!

We like spending our free time with friends, doing sport, going shopping and going to the cinema. Also, we like listening to music like pop, rap and reggaeton.

- Hi! I'm Laura. I'm the girl on the right with long black hair. I have one brother, he is 18 years old. I love animals and I have a little dog. I'm doing Social Studies at high school. I love taking photos and watching movies.

- Hello! I'm Paula, the girl in the middle. I have a younger brother and I don't have any pets. I'm doing Technological studies at high school but I don't know what I want to be in the future yet. I love travelling and visiting new places around the world.

- Hi! I'm Ingry, the girl on the left. I was born in Ecuador.  I came to Spain when I was three years old.  I have two older sisters.Her ages are 30 and 22 but they don't live at home nowadays I love pets and I have a dog. I' m doing Science studies at high school and my favourite subject is biology. My hobby is reading books and watching movies about love.  I want to be a psychiatrist when I'm old because I  think that  knowing things about our minds is very interesting.

We are excited to meet you all!! This experience will be nice. See you soon, byee!