Tuesday 31 October 2017

Tasks to be done in Finland

Activity No. C4: Finland, February 2018
An investigation into how to motivate students in the EFL classroom. Emphasis will be placed on ICT
Outcomes of the meeting
Workshop:  Presentation of the results of the interviews on the teaching/ strategies which students perceive as increasing their motivation in the EFL classroom  -  follow up discussion
Presentation / video of the presentations uploaded onto the webpage 
Posters on teaching strategies which increase student motivation in the Science / Maths classroom (prepared between meetings) are displayed for dissemination.
Photographs of the posters will be uploaded onto the webpage and produced to go into Science / Maths classrooms.
Workshop for teachers and students: How ICT can be integrated into EFL teaching. Brain storming of ideas by both students and teachers.
Results (list of ideas produced) will be upload in the webpage by the Finnish hosts. (Key outcome of the project)
Focus group discussion for students: how students feel about ICT in EFL learning and how they would like to see it used in the classroom / for autonomous learning. The students prepare a wish list (in groups).
The wish lists - directed to EFL teachers – are combined to produce one more complete list which is uploaded onto the webpage
Trip to local schools – questionnaires will be administered to an EFL class in each
Additional data related to the teaching strategies, classroom motivation and classroom  anxiety from  other local schools (this will (1) increase our sample size (2) increase reliability of results as our data will be more representative (3) generate the inclusion of further schools within the community therefore widening the impact of our project).
Workshop: results from the data collected on the use of teaching strategies and motivation in the EFL classroom
Upload the results on the use of teaching strategies and motivation in the EFL classroom onto web page
Brief workshop:  The newly collected data, on EFL motivation, will be compared with that of the partner school collected in November, 2016.
Similarities and contrasts will be made in textual form (a paragraph or two) and uploaded to the central web page.
(Key outcome for the whole project) 
Local excursion
Create a “Tree of learning”-  Theme Motivation in EFL
Tree of learning is permanently displayed in the Finnish school
Sports morning or afternoon – team sports which encourage collaboration
Video of the event – to be uploaded onto the webpage
Workshop: evaluation of the results of the meeting and suggestions for the next meeting
Minutes of the meeting to be uploaded onto the webpage (project diary section)
In their mixed groups, students prepare 2 minute films demonstrating how student motivation can be improved using teaching strategies (‘role play’) from each school – these will be presented on the final day.
Upload the video onto youtube, the schools’ Erasmus webpage and the project webpage.

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